Welcome to the working group for standardization of multicellular model descriptions.

Benchmark models

As a community effort, we collect biological benchmark problems and the corresponding representations in alternative modelling formalisms as well as model implementations in specific simulation environments.
For this repository see the COMBINE Multicellular Modelling project


The concept for MultiCellML based on SBML Level 3 extensions is summarized here and a prototype to test and run the new language concepts is described here.


The concepts of MultiCellML have already enabled a number of multicellular models that have been shared at four public model repositories.


Please see the sidebar for relevant past and upcoming events.

Hackathon 2019

The 2019 Hackathon has taken place in Dresden, for details see here.


Lutz Brusch, TU-Dresden
Martin Golebiewski, HITS Heidelberg


e:Med Systems Medicine Network TU Dresden, CIDS, ZIH